How to submit iOS App to App Store

Developing an iOS App is a very much tiresome job which requires patience and creativity to bring out the results. After the development of the application, submitting to the app store is another crucial work to take out result of your work. But before submission ask one thing to you that what steps you need to follow for the app submission to an app store.

What is App Submission?

App Submission is a process through which Mobile Application is submitted to the app store to come in eyes of users. Like this, developers get more downloads and revenue for their app.

Well being an iOS developer, one can be very much familiar with the iOS submission. But it can be very much headache to approach Apple for the App submission. So never think it as “a piece of cake”. Apple provides all the guidelines for the submission but then also one need to be careful.

In this article, you will get all the answers related to How to Submit iOS App to App Store?

Initially, for the submission of an iOS app in the app store, one needs to enroll at Apple Developer Page and need to be registered iOS developer. This enables you to submit the application for publication in App Store.

What to do before submission?

Before submitting the app just tested your app once. In this testing, have a look at the working of an app and make your mind sure that your app is going fine. Give good focus on the issues like a late response, crashing of app etc. Test your app on more than one physical device to give wings to your surety. If the app is having any of the issues then you must do something to avoid inviting future problems.

Rules and Guidelines:

Apple provides clear rules and guidelines to which everyone should be aware of. There is iOS Human Interface Guidelines and App Store Review Guidelines. On avoiding these guidelines and rules, there can be a loss to your hard work. It’s not a big deal, just focus on these points.

  • Should not be crash at all
  • There should be no use of private APIs
  • The Functionality of app should be unique without copying the other apps
  • Camera and microphone use should not be there
  • Your artwork should be copyright


There is need for App ID which is also known as Application Identifier. These are of two types i.e. Wildcard App ID & Explicit App ID. The difference between both of them is all about using. Wildcard App ID is used for creating and installing multiple applications. If your application is using iCloud or make use of other iOS features then you can use explicit App ID.

Other than this, there is a requirement of Distribution Certificate to create provisioning profile. The creating process of distribution certificate is almost same as creating development certificate. After going through App ID and distribution certificate, the other thing needs to do is creation of iOS provisioning profile. These are useful in distribution of the app in the app store.

Build Settings:

Configure your targets build settings in Xcode. Simply you just need to select the target from the list of targets in Xcodes Project Navigator. Set the code signing to automatic. Open the build settings tab at the top and update the settings in signing section

Deployment Target:

It is related to the minimum version on which your application can run on. You can also increase the deployment target but in that case, one needs to be careful. You must mention in the applicant’s release notes about the updates. For the new applications, always set the deployment target to last major release.


Everybody knows that how much icon is important for the app. But make sure that icon size should be as per the guidelines and as per the file name. Below is the list.

  • 512×512 for iTunesArtwork
  • 1024×1024 iTunesArtwork@2x
  • 120×120 Icon-60@2x.png
  • 180×180 Icon-60@3x.png
  • 76×76 Icon-76.png
  • 152×152 Icon-76@2x.png
  • 167×167 Icon-83.5@2x.png
  • 40×40 Icon-small-40.png
  • 80×80 Icon-Small-40@2x.png
  • 120×120 Icon-small-40@3x.png
  • 29×29 Icon-small.png
  • 58×58 Icon-small@2x.png
  • 87×87 Icon-small@3x.png


Screenshots are those factors that reflect the app’s image directly to the customers. There must be at least 5 screenshots in your app along with three previews. If you want to make your app universal then you must provide separate screenshots for each device. Don’t add any text in the screenshot but yes make your screenshots attractive and to the point.

The image must be of following factors

  • 72 dpi
  • RGB colors

Following things should be avoid in images

  • Transparencies
  • Mobile device’s status bar
  • Alpha Channel


In the metadata, there should be following things to be included

  • Name of application
  • Version number
  • Primary category
  • Keywords
  • UR

A concise description

In case if your application requires sign in then you must provide Apple with test or demo account. The review team will immediately sign in and use the application without first sign up.

Submission Preparation

This process is very simple. Just visit iTunes Connect page and sign in with the app developer log in credentials. Click on the Manage your Apps and then click on Add New App. Select the iOS App. The name of the app should be unique. The last one is Bundle ID that is selecting the App ID.

Price and availability

Apple provides the facility of Price Tiers through which for each country developers don’t need to specify the price separately. You can also mention the availability of your app at different stores.

Uploading the app binary

Create an archive to submit your app; this can only be done by building an application on the Generic device. The archive option in Xcode’s Product menu will be grayed out if you select the iOS simulator in an active scheme. Connect the iOS device to your Mac, select it in the active scheme.

The Xcode’s organizer will be automatically open and your created archive will be shown. Finally, from the list, select the archive and click on Upload to App Store


So finally, that’s all about the submission of iOS app to the app store. This process is utmost important for the promotion of iOS app. Things are not so difficult the only stuff is to understand the concept and the do the same with proper guidelines. Hope you get useful information. Still, if you have any question or want to share your words then comment in the below section. Thanks.


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